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Fall is Here!

on Monday, October 12, 2009

So here we are in October! A busy month for trade shows for me personally, but only mere days away from one of the most wonderful of all childhood holidays, of course I'm talking about Halloween!
I don't' think we ever outgrow Halloween. Even in some form, whether it's just decorating the house or the vicarious manifestations of the costumes of sons, daughters, friends and family through our suggestions and help.
Halloween is the beginning of what I like to refer to as the Celebratory Triumvirate of the end of the year. As a Christian, and from a southern West Virginia freewill baptist based upbringing, there are alot of misunderstood traditions of Halloween that were demonized when I was a child. An important thing to remember during Halloween is that it is our intention that dictates whether or not something is based in evil or good. Bobbing for apples is not intrinsically evil, it's a children's game as it exist in its current form. So while there are alot of dark things that maybe once meant something bad or were malevolent, we really must realize that now those meanings have changed and the fun costumes, games, and trick or treating are really just a way for us to have fun, share a sense of community, and really a great socially acceptable outlet for self expression and creativity.
In Japan, there are parks where once a week, people are free to dress up in costumes and just be fantastic and outside the box. Perhaps that allowance of just going all out every now and then is why the Japanese social model can allow for working and being so industrious. Perhaps, here in the United States we should allow ourselves to feel the joy of Halloween a little more often.
I also think that Halloween is a great set up for the joy to come with Thanksgiving and Christmas. The holidays are all very different, but at their core, all these events share a commonality of community, family, and a celebration of children and togetherness. So as we give freely of candy to our neighbors and perfect strangers, let us remember the words of Christ as he said "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have done it unto me." So remember that spirit of giving, and carry it with you through the holidays and on into the new year. We are not defined by our possessions, but my our actions. So live, love, and enjoy the company and the joy of these upcoming holidays.
W. Dwight Hatfield
Marketing Director
SurvTech Solutions Surveying & Mapping
Tampa Florida